18 November 20

The Co-operative Bank has been approached by a prospective buyer.

Guardian and Sky news identify as Cerberus Capital Management


In line with our formal recoginition agreement, the Co-op Bank informed the Customer Union on 17 November that it had received "a non-binding offer for the bank" and that "discussions are at a very preliminary stage". The bank went on to say that "Our priority and focus remains to deliver our agreed plan and transformation over the coming years". The formal announcement by the bank, made to conform with regulatory requirements is here:

15 June 20
Moneyfacts banner

The Cooperative Bank has been named Current Account Provider of the year in the Moneyfacts awards 2020.

Lee Tillcock, Editor of Moneyfacts said "By continuing to provide support via a straightforward and reasonable agreed overdraft rate and a leading rewards bonus, the Co-operative Bank is the deserved winner of the Best Current Account Provider category at the 2020 Moneyfacts Awards."

You can read the Co-operative Bank press release here.

06 May 20
Results table

The Cooperative Bank has announced Q1 2020 trading results.

we are providing payment holidays for approximately 17,000 mortgage, loans and credit card customers to date

Headlines are:

25 March 20

Andrew BesterCEO of the Co-operative Bank, Andrew Bester, has issued a message addressed to all customers.

The message, which you can view here, makes it clear that the Bank will stand behind customers, explains that the bank is getting a lot of calls, and warns about scams. 

Stay safe and look after each other, and please remember we are here to help.

04 December 19 from www.theguardian.com

The Guardian business pages has picked up the story of the agreement between the Co-operative Bank and the Customer Union.

Speaking to the Guardian, Ryan Brightwell, a Customer Union director, spoke about the beginnings of the Save Our Bank Campaign “Initially there was a lot of concern. We were alarmed that the hedge fund owners were coming in”

our regular conversations with the customer union are positive

Andrew Bester, CEO of the bank told the Guardian “It’s fantastic that we have a group of loyal customers as committed to our ethical brand as we are – and our regular conversations with the customer union are positive and very valuable in terms of understanding what matters to them."

26 November 19


The Co-operative Bank signs recognition agreement with union of customers

The Co-operative Bank has strengthened its position as a key player in ethical banking signing a formal recognition agreement with The Customer Union for Ethical Banking, an independent organisation representing thousands of Co-operative Bank customers concerned about the UK’s social and environmental issues.

Rob Harrison from the Customer Union said: 

07 November 19

In its report on trading in the nine months to September 2019, the Co-operative Bank pointed to "Balance sheet growth driven by resilient mortgage performance" and "Underlying profit £2.3m year to date with core income in line with 2018".

However at £118.6m, losses were actually up 36% on the same three quarters in 2018. The bank pointed to its £60m 'PPI charge' as being the cause. This is the provison that the bank makes to allow for pay outs on payment protection insurance claims, and follows the final deadline for claims to be submitted. Other banks have experienced very high volumes of last minute claims.

We asked the bank to comment and they said:

21 September 19

In a courageous move the Co-operative Bank offered support for the global Climate Strike.

Bank employees take part in demonstrationBank employees were encouraged to attend the protests on 20 September and the bank tweeted from the demo in Manchester.

Before the strike the bank issued the following statement:

Why The Co-operative Bank is supporting the Global Climate Strike

13 September 2019

13 September 19

Amnesty logoThe Co-op Bank has entered into a new partnership with Amnesty International UK to train human rights activists.

Rise Up was launched on 13 September 2019. Following its welcome return to campaigning in 2016 with My Money, My Life (in partnership with Refuge on financial abuse in intimate relationships), this is another sign that the bank sees campaigning work as an important element in its ethical stance.

14 June 19

Moneywise Customer Service AwardsThe Co-op Bank has won the 'most trusted mainstream bank' award at the Moneywise Customer Service Awards 2019.

The award was voted for by 32,000 people from across the UK, making it one of the largest surveys of financial consumers in the country.
Andrew Bester, Chief Executive of the bank said of the award win:
