14 June 19

Moneywise Customer Service AwardsThe Co-op Bank has won the 'most trusted mainstream bank' award at the Moneywise Customer Service Awards 2019.

The award was voted for by 32,000 people from across the UK, making it one of the largest surveys of financial consumers in the country.
Andrew Bester, Chief Executive of the bank said of the award win:

14 May 19 from bcr-ltd.com, www.theguardian.com, uk.finance.yahoo.com

The Co-op Bank is one of three banks (along with Nationwide and Investec) to win grant funding as part of the 'state aid remedy' for the government bail-out of RBS.

The grant of £15m will be used to reinforce the Co-op's proposition for SMEs - including improved digital service.

The bank has emphasised to the Customer Union that this grant will help it strengthen the proposition to cooperatives and third-sector customers. Speaking to the Customer Union, the bank told us:

18 April 19

People with purpose adThe Co-operative Bank has refreshed its image with a new campaign based on the notion of 'People with Purpose', and led with a TV ad you can view here

17 September 18

Andrew BesterThe Co-op Bank has named Andrew Besteras its new Chief Executive. This news was followed by an announcement that the bank’s chief finance officer will also be stepping down.

30 April 14

Kelly ReviewIn July 2013 Sir Christopher Kelly was appointed to conduct a review into the failings that led to the problems in the Co-operative Bank in 2013, and so to its eventual take over by private investors and hedge funds.

Commenting on the report published 30 April 2014, Sir Christopher said: “This report tells a sorry story of failings in management and governance on many levels.... The roots of the shortfall lie in a merger between the Bank and the Britannia Building Society which should probably never have happened. "
