Dear Member or Supporter
Our annual Gathering is less than a week away. Register here to join the meeting and discuss our strategy for holding the Co-op Bank to account on ethics and ownership in the year ahead.
This year the meeting will be online-only, and will be held on Zoom from on Saturday 21st November from 2.30pm to 4.15pm.
There will be two main parts to the meeting. Firstly we’ll welcome representatives of the Co-op Bank once again to talk about its Ethical Policy commitments and plans for the year ahead, and to answer your questions. And secondly we’ll discuss our own plans for campaigning on ownership and on the bank’s Ethical Policy implementation, together with members of our new expert panel.
You can register and see the full agenda here. We look forward to seeing you there.
General Meeting of the Customer Union
Members of the Customer Union are also welcome to join our General Meeting before the Gathering, from 2pm to 2.30pm. This is a more formal meeting at which we will discuss the Customer Union’s rules and elect its Board. If you haven't yet joined the union then remember you can join now for a contribution of only £12 a year. If you're not sure whether you are a member or if your membership is up to date then drop us a line at [email protected].
With thanks and best wishes,
The Save Our Bank team