2024 Save Our Bank Gathering

And AGM of the Customer Union

Gathering 16 November 2024

We will be holding our November gathering as usual this year, and like last year it will be on-line only.

All supporters and customer union members are welcome.

We'll hear from representatives of the Co-operative Bank and there will be an opportunity for members and supporters to ask questions.

We'll be updating members on our progress researching the best way to create an ownership vehicle for building a stake in the bank.

We'll also discuss recent rumours about the bank being for sale (again).

The gathering will be preceded by the AGM of the Customer Union.

How to join the videocall

To join the videocall just click on the button below

Join meeting now

The main gathering videocall starts at:

2.00pm Saturday 16 November 2024

The gathering will be preceded at 1.00pm by the AGM of the Customer Union for Ethical Banking open to all members of the union.

We will use Zoom. This means you can join from a computer, smartphone or tablet - or you can dial in from an ordinary telephone.

Full details on how to join are here.

At the Gathering we will be joined by representatives of the Co-operative Bank



1.00pm (CUEB members only) Annual General Meeting of members of the Customer Union (You can join the Customer Union here)
1.30pm Informal discussion
2.00pm Annual Gathering for Customer Union members and supporters of the Save Our Bank campaign
2.10pm The Co-operative Bank's and Coventry BS update on progress - representatives of the Coop Bank and Coventry Building Society will be able to take questions
3.00pm Break
3.10pm CUEB strategic plans and update on research tasks
4.00pm Closing remarks
4.05pm Close